
What is metaverse?

In the 21st century, the universe is no longer perceived in a real-time format. New technologies have expanded beyond the physical world into the virtual one. Even people outside Web activities are feeling the influence of the virtual world. Virtual reality and NFT (non-fungible tokens) have been firmly integrated into common people’s lives

The metaverse has grabbed the attention of people from various areas. This concept was introduced in the Matrix, the sci-fi movie where the hero lives in the physical world but also exists in a parallel reality. This virtual world is generated and run by cutting-edge digital technologies.

One of the authors of the metaverse is high-tech mogul and entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg who has been actively promoting the idea and upgrading the virtual environment. His project is still at an early stage. Apparently, this direction has bright prospects.

A virtual reality headset, earphones, and smartphones are the equipment to immerse oneself in a virtual world. Currently, such devices are under development. However, virtual reality and augmented reality headsets which create virtual pictures in front of the user’s eyes have been already available for sale for a few years.

In brief, Mark Zuckerberg who launched the Meta project in 2021 and his associates present the metaverse concept in the following way:

  • A user creates one’s own online avatar (appearance, clothes, name, and other features of a virtual personality).
  • Appropriate hardware is required: a virtual reality headset, special earphones, and some other accessories.
  • In the morning, a user will meet with colleagues in the virtual world because anyone can find a job there. Colleagues, namely their avatars, will be next to a user who will see them and communicate with them, though real people could be thousands of kilometers away
  • Besides, anyone can visit an apparel store as an avatar and buy something new from digital fashion trends. A virtual English lesson is another great opportunity.

Clothes and other services in the metaverse can be paid for by crypto. There is a likelihood that a special currency will be invented for the digital world.

You may wonder who will need this virtual reality and what goals the developers pursue. The answer is very simple: to earn money, to provide businesses with new opportunities to earn on education, consulting services, etc., and to encourage people to communicate at a new virtual level.